Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Victory, The Freedom

                I fail to remember the first time that I skipped a meal with harmful intentions, but I do remember that I met Ana the Summer before 7th grade. It had started out as a portion-control-and-exercise diet, but it progressed. “If I exercise for longer and eat less than I have been, I’ll lose weight even faster,” I’d believe. That “longer” exercise evolved into over-exercising while the “less” amounts of food transformed into nonexistent amounts of food. Some days, I would eat something small. Others, I ate nothing at all. Things were already out of hand, but once I hit 8th grade, they were massively uncontrolled and getting worse.
Me during the summer before 8th grade
As my mental illness progressed, I found more and more pleasure when I’d starve and more and more shame and hate when I’d eat (even small snacks). Because of this hatred toward myself, I’d soon find myself greeting a new friend. I “slipped up” and ate something one day in October of ’08. Shame inundated my mind, haunting me from the first bite until I made that first step in this new direction. I forced myself to vomit. That was the first day with Mia. At first, it was every other day. Before I knew it, it was every day, several times a day. Whether I ate a meal or if I took a small bite out of something, I’d purge. These purges weren’t just long enough to get the food out; they were much, much longer. I’d throw up until all of what I had eaten was out, and then I’d purge some more. My sign to stop was when my hands wouldn’t stop shaking, my throat and head hurt too much, and when dehydration kept me from standing. Usually.
If I hadn’t have gotten saved the following February in ’09, I’d be long gone. I wouldn’t have lasted more than three months after that day. Once I found Jesus, I started eating again and keeping it down. It was really hard to see myself gain weight, but I knew I couldn’t live like that anymore. Unfortunately, because my metabolism took such a toll due to the eating disorder (which would more clearly be defined as EDNOS), my body stored most of it as fat first. I gave over my eating disorders to God, but I hadn’t given Him my self-worth issues so I continued to hate the way that I looked. I began to notice that I needed to go onto a diet and exercise to be sure to not become over-weight, but I was paralyzed with fear that I’d backslide. A few times, I had started to trust myself, but only to find that I’d start the same pattern back up. So, I abandoned the idea because I’d rather hate the way that I looked than to slowly kill myself and feed my self-loathing.
            This summer (’12) break (that is now coming to a close) brought a whole new chapter.  I decided that I wanted more out of life. I wanted to lose weight and become more active so I decided to do the Atkins diet. Since I knew of my past failures with my diet attempts, I had to monitor my eating habits closely and restrict how often I’d work out. I lost five pounds in the first week and hadn’t developed any unhealthy patterns. After a few weeks, I had lost ten pounds and was super excited. First off, it was nice to lose weight. Second, I was losing weight without starving myself! For those of you who have never had an eating disorder, you may not understand how weighty that step was for me, but it was pretty ground-breaking. I’ve been set free from self-worth issues (which will be told in a later blog) and I have been victorious over eating disorders. This Summer hasn’t brought just a new chapter with my self-image, it has transformed who I am and how I will live the rest of my life: Free.

From left to right: Me, Storm Whitaker, and Jelly Sullins

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